Monday, April 26, 2010

Where Web 3.0 is Going

After spending lots of time research Web 3.0 I have concluded that the internet will be more accessible and convenient to everyone across the world. The internet will be faster than ever and developed in a more simplified way than it already is. There have been many posting from apple, in developing an actual computer on a Iphone or Itouch. Although it has many characteristics of a computer already, the new Web 3.0 will consisted of all the qualities a standard computer has and more. Including Photoshop, illustrator, Microsoft office, and many more features.
Not only will Web 3.0 bring different characteristics and features to the technology world and the world itself, but will be in-expensive. Many researchers and professionals believe that in a matter of time Web 3.0 will be as cheap as the radio today.

Personally I think its incredible how technology is developing and how it develops the world and people today. I think that Web 3.0 in a couple of years will be mandatory for everyone to have. Businesses, companies, movie theaters, sport events will all consist of Web 3.0 and make it mandatory for all investors, fans, critics and such to contain different Web 3.0 in order to enjoy or function with them.

Microsoft's Future Vision 2019

In research the future of the internet and how it's going to affect our world, I cam across and interesting video. The video was published by Microsoft introducing it's plan for the future. After watching that video, it seemed unrealistic and very futuristic. It's crazy how convenient these piece of technology are in our every day life, as well as convenient for all age groups. After watching this video I think the world is going to use less pens and papers. This video is mind blowing, it makes me wonder if we are really going to have floating cars!

Extra Credit

The Internet is undoubtedly permeating and transforming all aspects of our economies and societies. It is a remarkable catalyst for creativity, collaboration and innovation and more broadly, for the development of our economies and societies.
In the coming years we expect an exponential increase of information, the further development of social networks, the accelerated growth of online video traffic, and the emergence of the Internet of things, which will progressively cause the online and real worlds to become inter-linked . Mobility and extended nomadicity, the growth of security and privacy threats, the diversity and sheer number of new applications, services and business models supported by the Internet mean that the existing Internet architecture may soon be placed under strain.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


In my paper I discussed how Facebook has developed Web 2.0. With this logo I created I wanted to show how Web 2.0 is made up of people and Facebook. I used many techniques and tools to develop this logo, in order to get my message across. Many hours were spent making a collage of different peoples faces and the Facebook's logo. Once I had the collage I had to find a way for the letters to be filled with the collage, and make the letters stand out. Overall, this was a time consuming project however, the outcome is awesome!